Perfect for your dog or cat!
- Profleece Vet & Pet Bedding is a perfect choice for dog or cat crates or whelping beds. Ideal situations for using Profleece for your canine or feline are:
- Animals requiring hospitalization and pre or postoperative care
- Whelping puppies or kittens where hygiene, warmth, comfort and security are vital
- Comfort for incontinent pets, disabled pets or pets with arthritic joints
- Comfort for animals sleeping on a hard surface
- Shipping puppies or kittens to their new homes
Perfect for small pets also!
Profleece Vet & Pet Bedding is a great alternative for small pet owners looking for a reusable, washable bedding or liner for their pet. Many small pet owners no longer want to use wood shavings or paper products that have to be purchased over and over again and carry the risk of possible mite infestations. Profleece is a hygienic alternative to these options.